Hours vary from merchant to merchant, please check business websites and Facebook pages for updated hours and more information. Or click here for a visual directory of the shops with hours: VIRTUAL TOUR.



Creatives on King 104 E. King St. Web: creative-on-king.com IG: @creatives_on_king Gallery & Studios: Godahavom Gourds, Reptile Smiles

The Glass Turtle Studio
118 E. King St.
Web: theglassturtlestudio.com FB: @Theglassturtlestudio
Art gallery & gift shop specializing in stained glass & art, classes.

HIVE artspace Gallery & Artist Studios
126 E. King St.
Web: hiveartspace.com IG/FB: @hiveartspace
Art gallery, gifts, & artist studios: Erin Fallon, Wendy Lane Smith, Pat Thomas, Heather Greenough

Josh Johnson Creative Studio
56 S. Duke St.
IG & FB: @JoshJohnsonCreativeStudio
Artist studio specializing in vintage letterpress printing

King's Courtyard Artist's Collective
124 E. King St.
Web: kingscourtyardgallery.com FB: King’s Courtyard
Art collective & gallery with 18+ members.

OMG Studios
57 E. King St.
FB: @OMGYork 
(717) 415.9418
Studios: Carol Oldenburg, Kara Oldenburg-Gonzales

Studio 117
117 S. Duke St.
By appointment only, via the website.
Web: studio117york.com

Pennsylvania College of Art & Design - York
133 S. Duke St.
Web: PCAD.edu

128 E. King St.
FB: @ventureroyalsquare
(717) 495.9992
Studios: Debbie Toluba, Amelia Mellberg, Gretchen Nevin


The Bond Wedding & Event Venue
134 E. King St.
Web: thebondevents.com
(717) 585.0071

Royal Square Gardens Event Venue
Behind Artemis Vintage, across from Collusion Tap Works
Web: thebondevents.com
(717) 585.0071

Historic Fire House
Station 1 - Rex/Laurel
49 S. Duke St.
Web: bit.ly/laurelrex
(717) 854.3921

Royal Square Development & Construction
29 S. Duke St., 2nd Floor
Web: rsdcinc.com
(717) 893.5139

The Yorktowne Hotel
48 E. Market St.
Web: Yorktowne.com
(717) 848-1111

The Royal Square Murals
30 colorful, larger-than-life murals all in a one-block radius in Royal Square!


Casta Cigars
120 E. King St.
Web: castacigars.com
(717) 505.8683
Damn fine small batch cigars

Kleppers Security Source
117 E. King St.
Web: kleppers.com
(717) 848.1754

Line& Anchor Barbershop & Salon
119 S. Duke St. 
Web: linktr.ee/Lineandanchor
(717) 303.8437

Noel’s Rock Shop
23 E. King St.
Web: noelsrockshop.com
(717) 818-0457
Guitars, amplifiers, supplies, repairs

The Roaming Roast Cafe
116 E King St.
Web: RoamingRoastCafe.com
FB: RoamingRoast
Coffee shop & community space

In Between Pages (formerly The York Emporium)
113 S. Duke St.
FB: YorkEmporium
Book store

122 E King St.
Web: Book Here
York Spray Tans
Web: paspraytans.com


Collusion Tap Works
105 S Howard St.
Web: collusiontapworks.com
(717) 542.1226

Levant Mediterranean Cuisine
101 S Duke St.
FB: LevantMediterraneanCuisine
(717) 893-5891

World Grills
29 E. King St.
Web: worldgrills.net
(717) 650.2886

Picalonga Sabor Tropical
111 E. Princess St.
FB: Picalonga Sabor Tropical
(717) 850-2488

Granfalloons Tavern
41 E. Princess St.
Web: falloonsyork.com
(717) 843.5450
Open daily at 4pm, Sat/Sun 11am, Daily specials

105 S Duke St.
Web: partyatalleys.com
FB / IG: @partyatalleys
Open Wed-Sat at 5pm


Susan Scofield
(p) 917-971-7456
(e) RoyalSquareDistrictYork@gmail.com